Thursday, 12 June 2008
php strtotime returning 1970-01-29 - Adding month to date
I was having problems using strtotime. The line i was using was
$next_available_date_end = strtotime("+2 months", next_available_date_start);
and the result I was getting was the date
I'm not sure why but opted to use mktime instead.
Here is how I accomplished this
$original_date = 2008-12-01;
$original_date_array = explode('-', $original_date ); // splits the date up
list($temp_year, $temp_month, $temp_day) = $original_date_array; // puts the array into the value year,month, day in sequence required
$temp_month++; // adds a month - we can do this because PHP will interperate 13 as the January in the next year
$date_a_month_on= date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $temp_month, $temp_day, $temp_year));
for more on dates check
Monday, 2 June 2008
Passing variables around a class
I'm expecting a fair few of my following blogs to be about using Classes.
It's one of the tools of PHP that I have not really used. Functions yes but
not Classes, I have however hve been trying to use other peoples classes.
This I feel is bad pracise without fully understanding how and why classes
should be used.
I have been using the class activecalender which can be found at for a booking script. The changes I have been making to
class have been hacks to the code itself. After some studying into classses
it seems this is not the best practise but what i should do is make an
extended class, known as a child class.
'class myclass extends myparent'
Child classes then inherent member functions and member variables from its
parent. I will be coming back to this topic in a future blog, firstly I will
be looking at repackaging some of my own code into classes.
My original problem that has created this tipping point was that I could not
pass variables around the class . The solution is very simple.
in the Call up to the class set the value of the variable you wish to pass
around the class
$cal->item =$item;
from inside the class set up variable
var = $item;
and form inside the function
it's that easy!!!