I don't often make my websites with Wordpress but sometimes it fits the bill for what needs to be achieved. The other thing is from the feedback I recieve the backend is much easier to get on with.
Any I thought it may be of interest to put down my notes on how to create a personilsed Wordpress website.
After installing the
Action Adventure Theme in Wordpress the next stage was to change the header text for a business card image.
Replace Title with a Logo -
The above link isn't correct for my theme but it's given me a lead. I can see from
Firebug the tag I need to work at is
< div id="site-title" >
This is where you need some software that can search a whole heap of pages for the tag as it doesn't appear in the wp-content/themes/adventure-journal/header.php code as mentioned above.
I found the div title in functions.php
Next I changed the code
< a href="" title="" rel="home">
< ?php bloginfo( 'name' ); ?>
and then get rid of the < div id="site-description" > completely.
which is right underneath - so i put '//' infront of $sitedescr to cancel it out
I'd like to add this set for a font "Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", Palatino, serif
its line 21 of wp-content/themes/adventure-journal/style.css
wordpress get rid of posted on text
FIND in wp-content/themes/adventure-journal/functions.php
function ctx_aj_posted_on()
and take out the text and links from this function.
Wordpress get rid of Categories box
in wp-content/themes/adventure-journal/loop.php
and delete all the way down to
and delete
Wordpress how to take off comments
Settings >> Discussion >> uncheck "Allow people to post comments on new articles"
However this may be over ruled on individual pages. If 'Wordpress changing setting discussion uncheck Allow people to post comments on new articles ' hasn't worked for you then try this.
> go to the page that needs changing
> click on 'screen options' tab
> then click on the tick box for 'Discussion'
> a new box will appear further down the page - Under 'Discussion' untick Allow comments.
how to show youtube video on wordpress
Use the EMBED code from Youtube and paste it into the HTML tab of your post.
Add a Gallery to your Website
Here's a couple of blogs of interest
40 Wordpress Galleries
10 best galleries
Out of these the
Lightbox gallery for Wordpress catches my eye
First things first though - it's time to take a backup of the site as it is at present.