Thursday, 26 June 2014

drupal 7 where to make new image style

drupal 7 where to make new image style

Here’s how I got to it

Modules  >  search ‘image’

> add style

Monday, 23 June 2014

Acquia Cloud database import error Base table or view not found

SQLSTATE[*]: Base table or view not found: * Table                [error]
‘*.blocked_ips' doesn't exist
Drush call failed. Stderr:SQLSTATE[*]: Base table or view not found: * Table                [error]

‘*dev.blocked_ips' doesn't exist

All I needed to do here was to go in to Acquia download a copy of the latest database and manually import using myPhpAdmin

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Follow on from Drupal 7 basic Module

this is the next step on from this blog [link:] Drupal 7 Can’t see my Module.

Lets print hello world on a page.  Add this to helloworld.module

// calling hook_menu()

function helloworld_menu() {


     $menu[‘hello/world'] = array(

          'title' => ‘Hello World Simple Page',

          'page callback' => ‘helloworld_worldview’,  // this is the function underneath

    'access callback' => TRUE,


          return $menu;


functionhelloworld_worldview() {

  return ‘Hello World !';



Monday, 16 June 2014

Timestamp to 0000-00-00 00:00:00 format

here's a quick note on this code; as what worked for me is slightly different to what I've found online

$timestamp = '1410126126';

$datestring = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp);

echo $datestring;

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Add a Log In / Log out button to Drupal 7 TB Mega Menu

I thought I may have to make two menus; one for registered users and one for unregistered. Or maybe even write a function that would hide the button. But no all you need to do is set the buttons up; using the URLs for your login and log out. user/login user/logout and the rest happens like magic

Monday, 9 June 2014

drupal 7 entity id comma returned in link value

Seemingly this was an issue with Replacement patterns . But what you need to do is go into your id in Structure > views > [your view] > fields and make sure 'comma' isn't selected as the 'Thousands marker' - it should be -none-

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Drupal 7 - can't see my module

If you can't see your Module in Drupal 7 here's the very basics that's needed.  Check these things are in place and you should be able to see your module.

Create a new folder in your installation


Create 2 files


name = "Hello World"
description = "Hello Modules list !."
core = 7.x

files[] = helloworld.module

helloworld.module  can be blank.  And thats it.  Make sure you clear your cache in admin.  

the next step can be seen at

Drupal 7 : Recieving PDOExceptions and missing fields and table on Module installation

When uploading some modules I was having issues with PDOExecptions and more specifically that Database table weren't fully loading.   A quick simple fix ( without finding out the real issue :/ ) is to use the module update manager.  Which is on the module page on the upper left.

By the way if anyone else couldn't find that button thats becuase you need to activate the 'Update Manager' module first to be able to see it.