This is from the excellent and well recommended Advanced Sass Team Treehouse course.
The following Sass uses the @at-root directive within a media query. Sass considered @media to be root, so how can you update this so that the .barselector is at the absolute root of the document?
The following Sass uses the @at-root directive within a media query. Sass considered @media to be root, so how can you update this so that the .barselector is at the absolute root of the document?
.foo {
@media (min-width: 400px) {
display: flex;
@at-root ( without: rule media ) {
.bar {
display: inline-block;
In the following code challenge, we are hard-coding the name of the nested selector .foo-bar. How can we update this to inherit the parent selector of .foo?
.foo {
@media (min-width: 400px) {
display: flex;
@at-root (without: media rule) {
&-bar {
display: inline-block;