The official help page for this on Python can be found at
Here's my notes on what I've tried so far.
du -hs /tmp ~/.[!.]* ~/* /var/www/
An easy fix is if the Cache is bloated.
rm -rf ~/.cache
rm -rf ~/.cache/*
rm -rf /tmp/*
How see old virtual environments ( see what virtualenvs I have)
Running this command showed me that I only had the one Environment working .
Uninstall python packages you don't need anymore
To see what packages you have take a look at your requirements.txt page or run
pip list
I then ran through a handful that I believed I'm not using ; although I may need to install them again at a later date.
To remove here is an example
pip uninstall django-cripsy-forms
And then Remove from requirements.txt.
From here I could now install the package I wanted, which was 'wagtail'
pip install wagtail