Monday, 21 September 2009

Joomla intermittently diplaying broken or blank page in Internet Explorer 8 -

This problem was highly strange as it does not appear in all IE 8 all the time. Infact I had done extensive tests on IE 8 on my home computer and NEVER encountered the problem. However my colleague could see it on his, but intermittently. Here is a list of key phrases that kind of sum up this problem, it gives you an idea of what a bizarre error it was.

* Joomla blank page in ie 8
* joomla blank page in internet explorer 8
* joomla only left menu blank page in ie 8
* joomla only left menu blank page in internet explorer 8
* joomla htmlmap ie 8 problem
* joomla htmlmap internet explorer 8 problem
* Joomla blank page in some ie 8
* Joomla blank page in some internet explorer 8
* joomla sometimes displays blank page in ie 8
* joomla sometimes displays blank page in internet explorer 8
* joomla sometimes displays broken page in ier 8

I had to go around to his to fix the problem as otherwise the 'lag time' would be too much. ie I would have to run a test - then call him to find out the effect!
Once at his place the problem had disappeared, on multiple refreshes the problem re-arose. After turning each module on and off and then multiple refreshing I found the problem coming from this component
'html maps' that can be found here ''
The solution for me here was to move all items that I had in image maps to 'Flexbanner' - where you can just paste all your code in if you wish. Flexbanner can be found at

I hope this item helps others. Yet again another reason to hate internet explorer.

I found this comment on IE 8 that really sums it up for me "I hate internet explorer. It is an absolute nightmare and the newest edition not being fully standards compliant without the need to go diging around in settings is ridiculous.

That said, the average computer user plugs in the address on whatever default browser and settings are included with the PC and complains when it doesn't look right. Whos fault is it? Mine of course. "

Check out the IE 8 Incompatibilty list is you still don't believe how bad IE is! Even microsofts own website is on it!!!!!

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