I've recently been having quite a bit of interest in the PHP booking calendar that i put together. However I'm not 100% happy with the back end code. The functionality of it is fine but some is written in procedural code and I'd like it to be fully written in OOP. It would then be better for other programmers who'd like to use the code and add their own features.
Anyway to cut a long story short if their's anyone who would like to add a booking calender to their website I'd do the next one at half price.
Here are the features of the Booking Availability Calender.
* Able to Add/Edit and Delete rooms.
* Each Room to have a couple of images
* Each room has a title and description
* Check Availabily button that then provides a price information chart and calender for the current month.
* the ability to add and delete days from the calender.
If you would like to see some screen shots and more infromation on the booking calender then have a look at this article 'Availability Calender' Or to download the code I have wrote so far take a look at this site 'PHP Booking Availability Calender'
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