Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Not able to get into Joomla! admin from a Smart Phone !

I've recently brought the LG in Touch Maz GW620 Smartphone.

one of the main reasons was so that I can update my websites and blogs while out and about.
My websites have been built with Joomla!  However when trying to access the admin area I get this message
'Data connectivity problem!
The Page contains to many server redirects'

I have found away to be able to get into write my blogs and add news items, however if you want full access to your admin area then this is not your solution.  If you do find a solution to that if you could come back to this page and let me know that'd be awesome.

My solution:

Was to install this module on my Joomla installlation.

Content Submit -

which is a front-end login so you can add articles. It is designed so you can assign other authors to write on your site. So this is an additional use for the extension.

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