Friday, 19 October 2012

Adding a Twitter Feed to your Blogga Wordpress Theme

Phew !  Well this ended up being a real struggle in the end. 

My simple aim was to get the Twitter feed working in my Blogga theme. 

At first my issue was to get the Plugin to work at all.  I thought it may well to with the Twitter RSS Feed API changes

After making the changes in TwitterBundle in the theme folder, I could still not get it to work.  So I then installed a whole heap of other Twitter plugins to see if I could get them to work.  To no avial.

After reading comments about Twitter Widget Pro and seeing that others have it working since these changes I loaded the plugin on a clean installation of the same version of Wordpress.  It worked ! 

Telling me that it must be a conflict. ! 

I then tried turning off all other Widgets - which didn't effect anything.

The solution was to go into my theme; through the left hand side menu in wp-admin/

> click on 'twitter & RSS'   and change 'Enable Twitter' to NO.

 This gets the plugin working - but it doesn't look so great .

Check out Customise Twitter Widget Pro but BACKUP first as these changes blew up on me a couple of times.

However in the end I got it to look like this

I've included my CSS underneath  and I also made this change to code added to display a twitter bird instead of the customers image.

OPEN wp-content/plugins/twitter-widget-pro/wp-twitter-widget.php

comment out

$img = $this->_api_url . 'users/profile_image';
        $img = add_query_arg( array( 'screen_name' => $user->screen_name ), $img );
        $img = add_query_arg( array( 'size' => $args['avatar'] ), $img );

and replace with

$img = '';

or whatever your image is .

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