One issue I've had to overcome here is that I couldn't get get_the_post_thumbnail to work for me.
Here's the code I've written which you'll need to put in your templates function.php
function page_featured_images_ofparent() { $postid = get_the_ID(); $children = get_children($postid); foreach ($children as $child): // print_r($child); //echo "
"; $child_id = $child->ID; $URL = $child->guid; $title = $child->post_title; // echo "Child Id = $child_id
"; if(has_post_thumbnail( $child_id )): $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $child_id ), 'thumbnail' ); // 'single-post-thumbnail' $image_url = $image[0]; echo ''; endif; endforeach; return; } add_shortcode ('page-feat-img-childs', 'page_featured_images_ofparent');
and you can use the code
Put this wordpress shortcode on any of your posts or pages and it will show all the featured images of any child post or blogs.