Friday, 31 January 2014

Joomla Mijoshop Download Folders

With larger downloads you'll need to FTP them in; as doing them through Mijoshop crashes.  Here's the folder you need to upload them to.


After this all you need to do is enter the filename in when 'inserting' your download into Mijoshop.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Joomla 3.2 moving things from model, controller to View.

If you've used other frameworks then one thing that might be a little confusing is how things are passed though the MVC design in Joomla.

It may make things much easier to get your head around once you appreciate the page /view/view_html.php is basically a mini-controller page.  

I for example had been putting controller in the Components controller and then calling it up with something like.


by putting it in the view_html.php  then I can call it up with


There's a bit more on this at Joomla MVC differences

Joomla Component Template for Database Queries Component

It's just occurred to me that the stage I'm at with a current Joomla 3.2 component.  That will be dealing with Transfer content across table; is at this early stage a pretty good template for any future Joomla 3.2 component for dealing with database queries in any way. 

So if you've a similar project then here's what I have.  Joomla 3.2 Database Queries Template Component

fix strict standards issues in Joomla Component development

While developing a Joomla Component I was getting this issue. 

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in * on line * Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /* on line * Notice: Undefined variable: items in * on line *

In my case this was due to using old Joomla Component rules that now with Joomla 3.2 need updating.

Take a look at this basic principle of passing values through MVC in a Joomla Component.

The Model .  com_urcomp/models/preview.php
defined('_JEXEC') or die;

class Vm2mijoModelPreview extends JModelList
 /* lets go and get all the details from MySql and then we'll deal with the array in the view */ 

  public function getVirtuemartCategory(){
      $db = &JFactory::getDBO();
      $query  = "select ";
      $query .= "* ";
   // new xref table for product/categories is #__virtuemart_product_categories
      $query .= "from #__virtuemart_categories as jvc ";
     $query .= "LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_categories_en_gb as jvcgb ON jvc.virtuemart_category_id=jvcgb.virtuemart_category_id ";
  $query .= "LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_category_medias as jvcm ON jvc.virtuemart_category_id=jvcm.virtuemart_category_id ";
      $row = $db->loadObjectList();
      return $row;
 public function getGreeting()
 return 'Hello, World!';

The View.html.php views/preview/view.html.php

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

class Vm2mijoViewPreview extends JViewLegacy
   function display($tpl = null) 
  $model = $this->getModel();
  $greeting = $model->getGreeting();
  $this->assignRef('greeting', $greeting);
                          // Display the view


 defined('_JEXEC') or die;

// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted Access');

echo $this->greeting;  

The error I was having was being caused on the line

$model = $this->getModel();

which I had as

$model = &$this->getModel();

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Mijoshop downloads going to 'file not found http://*/index.php/*/account/download/download?order_download_id=*

Here's the Issue.  I have Joomla 3.2.0 installed with Mijoshop 2.2.1

When my customers order downloads after clicking on the download box I then get the following message

file not found http://*/index.php/*/account/download/download?order_download_id=*

After some testing it is apparent that when I set up a small download then this was fine.  The breaking point being at about 120MB before it stops working.

After some research I found this post . This is our PHP Info  

which is for Open Cart. 

so I added these values to the php.ini

upload_max_filesize = 390M ;
post_max_size = 400M ;
memory_limit = 640M ;

max_input_time = 3600;

This didn't work but with some help from my hosts HeartInternet  they suggested adding this to .htaccess

RLimitMem max

The downloads now work on the installations.

Cornwall Joomla Development

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Joomla 2.5 export Mysql error - ERROR * at line * Duplicate entry '*' for key 'idx_link_old'

When transferring the MySql database for Joomla 2.5 I am getting this message.

ERROR * at line * Duplicate entry '*' for key 'idx_link_old' 

After a Google search I found this . Relating to doing this through Command Line Database Transfer

if you are using the command line   just ad -f or --force to your import

However if you're not using command line I found that replacing my 'INSERT' commands for 'INSERT IGNORE' commands in the .sql file does the same thing.

Joomla Development Cornwall

Monday, 20 January 2014

Joomla Mijoshop - Swap customer email address for email links.

At first I was going to write my own Plugin for this but got into some problems with using event triggers of someone elses component ( Mijo shop ) .

Luckily I found the following Component; which after some thought on it's application I could manipulate into doing what I needed it to . 
The  component to install is ReReplacer

I did have a conundrum involving how I would only effect the Customer Email page that I wanted.  As just using a Regular Expression to replace the emails was causing me issue in the Admin area; where I had emails in input areas. 

The way I solved this was to amend the HTML output to add a 'span' wrapper with unique class. 

To do this OPEN components/com_mijoshop/opencart/admin/view/template/sale/customer_list.tpl

AND on line 119 add

Around the Customer Email call up.

THEN go to your Joomla Administration.

>  Admin > Components >  'NoNumber ReReplacer'

Then click on 'New'

Give the item a title like 'Email Swap'

ADD this in SEARCH

And make sure 'Regular Expressions', 'Case Sensitive' and 'Published' are set to YES

And  'Use 'newline' modifier' and 'Thorough' set to NO

>>then click on the 'Search Areas' tab at the top.

Enable in area = Body (not head)
Enable in feeds = No

Enable in Admin = Yes.

And that should do it.

joomla development

Friday, 17 January 2014

Joomla Mijoshop Downloads not working - can't find the file at */index.php/*/account/download/download?order_download_id=*

Before I go on I should point out that I haven't got a resolution for the but reading this blog entry may help you with a similar issue.

The Issue:  We have a website that sells MP3 Download Mix Albums; these albums come in at 330M

Testing showed that small files could be downloaded, but when the download goes over 120Mb I get this message

can't find the file at */index.php/*/account/download/download?order_download_id=* 

I found this post  on a similar issue regarding Opencart.  The hosts however would not allow php.ini changes.  So I put a fresh install of Joomla 3.2 and Mijoshop 2.2.4 on it.  And even with these php.ini changes I cannot make the downloads

  upload_max_filesize = 390M ;

post_max_size = 400M ;

memory_limit = 640M ;  

So for the meantime I have split the downloads into Parts; as Mijoshop does allow multi items in the download for each product.

If you know a full solution please let me know !!

Wordpress Fashionista Theme - change Featured image size



ON Line 11 change the first value after

$img_width = (of_get_option('sidebar_layout') != 'none') ?

to the width you want.

AND save in your child theme in ;)


Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Joomla Ticketmaster RD Media - Where to change the Terms & Conditions

a Ticketmaster RD Media - Where to change the Terms & Conditions in Admin

Basically I don't know !  if you find out could you reply to this post and fill me in .  Due to time restrictions and budget I've hard coded the Terms and Conditions in .  Here's how in case it's helpful to you to. 



Around line 279 FIND


And paste in your Terms and Conditions inbetween the Paragraph tags.

Joomla Development Cornwall

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Wordpress 3.8 cannot drag and drop menu items Admin Menu Editor

After upgrading to Wordpress 3.8 I found that I could no longer drag and drop menu items.

You need to turn off your plugins to find out which one is causing the issue.  In my case it was 'Admin Menu Editor'  .

Joomla Ticketmaster - RD Media ticket design

I'm using the component > Joomla Ticketmaster by RD Media but am finding documentation on the automatic ticket design quite short. 

Anyway I've found hardcoding the changes in a god send to making the tickets how I want them .

To do this the page to edit is. 


Thursday, 9 January 2014

Joomla 3.2 editor not working

If you've upgraded to Joomla 3.2 and your Editor in Admin has stopped working then you may have had the same issue as me.

Where you using 'CodeMirror' as your editor, if so then read on .

I fixed this by returning to 'TinyMCE' for the moment.

OPEN configuration.php

ADD or EDIT the line

public $editor = 'tinymce';

In Joomla Administration > Extensions > Plugin Manager

Turn off the other editors

Thats it. !!

wordpress transfer You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page

So after transfer a Wordpress website I got the message 'You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page' .

Actually the error arose because of a change to the 'wp_' suffix I'd made while doing the transfer.  So if that it isn't something you had done as well then this fix is not for you.

wordpress  wp_ suffix change You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page

Run these statements in MyPHPadmin. 

UPDATE new_usermeta
SET meta_key = REPLACE(meta_key,'old_','new_');

UPDATE new_options
SET option_name = REPLACE(option_name,'old_','new_');

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Wordpress file exceeds the maximum upload size for this site. Maximum upload file size: 2MB.

This isn't going to be a great solution for everyone, but it was a real quick fix for me.

And that was to FTP the file somewhere and use 'insert for URL' on the top left.

Joomla Mijo shop - remove Terms and conditions

Mijoshop >  Dashboard > Settings >

Select your shop in the main screen and click on 'edit'

Find the 'Option tab

> scroll down to 'Account Terms'

and then select 'none' from the dropdown.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

How to show old IE versions on Windows 8.1 Internet Explorer 10

I think this has changed slightly; so here's how you get there to save any confusion.,

In IE 10

press F12

A new display now appears. On the scrolling menu on the left go to the image of the Screen and phone at the bottom.

Now in the main window what you need to change is 'Document mode'

Thats it.