Monday, 20 January 2014

Joomla Mijoshop - Swap customer email address for email links.

At first I was going to write my own Plugin for this but got into some problems with using event triggers of someone elses component ( Mijo shop ) .

Luckily I found the following Component; which after some thought on it's application I could manipulate into doing what I needed it to . 
The  component to install is ReReplacer

I did have a conundrum involving how I would only effect the Customer Email page that I wanted.  As just using a Regular Expression to replace the emails was causing me issue in the Admin area; where I had emails in input areas. 

The way I solved this was to amend the HTML output to add a 'span' wrapper with unique class. 

To do this OPEN components/com_mijoshop/opencart/admin/view/template/sale/customer_list.tpl

AND on line 119 add

Around the Customer Email call up.

THEN go to your Joomla Administration.

>  Admin > Components >  'NoNumber ReReplacer'

Then click on 'New'

Give the item a title like 'Email Swap'

ADD this in SEARCH

And make sure 'Regular Expressions', 'Case Sensitive' and 'Published' are set to YES

And  'Use 'newline' modifier' and 'Thorough' set to NO

>>then click on the 'Search Areas' tab at the top.

Enable in area = Body (not head)
Enable in feeds = No

Enable in Admin = Yes.

And that should do it.

joomla development

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