Thursday, 20 August 2020

Adding Mobile Phone Check and UK Landline check together.

 In the current project I'm looking at I have two input fields for telephone numbers. 

1. UK Mobile Phone Number
2. UK Landline Number 

They each have their own regex checks .  

It's been requested that we should have just the one input field; this could be a UK landline OR UK Mobile .  So I'd like to merge the 2 regexes together.   Which is real easy but I found googling the exact answer very difficult.   So I thought I'd note it here. 

So here's the two seperate Regex's

Regex for UK Mobile Numbers. 

^(\+44\s?7(\d ?){3}|\(?07(\d ?){3}\)?)\s?(\d ?){3}\s?(\d ?){3}

Regex for UK Landlne Phone Numbers 

^\(?0( *\d\)?){9,10}$

So to use both we can add the OR statement which is '|' 

And to group the two sides together using the '(' and ')' 

which gives us the following combined statement. 

(^(\+44\s?7(\d ?){3}|\(?07(\d ?){3}\)?)\s?(\d ?){3}\s?(\d ?){3})|(^\(?0( *\d\)?){9,10}$)

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