Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Improving my PythonAnywhere Deployment

At the moment I have a disconnected Deployment process.  Where the site I’m looking at locally does not reflect what is on live.

So let’s make a note of some techniques that could improve my flow. 

A staging site - although my hosting package doesn’t support having a staging area but I could use another PythonAnywhere free account as a staging area.

Using Fabric to automate deployment.

Some reading material on this.



The information in the blog above that I’m interested in is.

  1. Automated deployment and testing (using Fabric)
  2. Automatic database migrations (using South)

Also I found this youtube video on deploying on PythonAnywhere which looks pretty good. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4c4ickks2A - this is good for deployment but doesn’t have anything on automated future deployment. 

Use cloud flare for the domain and point the name record 

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