Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Wagtail - Disable deletion of Snippets that are assigned to Model

 This task ran me around in circles somewhat, until we found the solution which was literally 1 line of code. 
Hopefully if you've stumbled across this blog it may save you losing the time that I did on it. 

Let's have a closer look at the problem we're looking to fix here.  

So let's say we have a 'ElectricCarPage' and when creating the Page one of our fields is for 'Manufacturer' .  Which we are using Snippets for.   
On the  'ElectricCarPage'  we have this set as 'required' .  So one has to be added, however there is a way that the Administration could leave our Page without a Manufacturer ( and possible breaking the site ) .  And that would be to do through the Snippets admin and remove the Snippet here 

The Solution 

So let's cut straight to the chase and give you the solution and then I'll go through the other methods that I'd been through and their gotchas. 

+ Add  'on_delete=models.PROTECT'  to the Manufacturer field in the 'ElectricCarPage' class.  Like

class CarPage(Page):
manufacturer = ForeignKeyField(
"car.Manufacturer", verbose_name=_("Manufacturer"), on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name="manufacturer", required=True, help_text=_( "The car manufacturer " ), )

This solution gives you the above screen when you try and delete the Snippet. 




This is to be added in the GamePage model like so.

class CarPage(Page):
manufacturer = ForeignKeyField(
"car.Manufacturer", verbose_name=_("Manufacturer"), on_delete=models.RESTRICT, related_name="manufacturer", required=True, help_text=_( "The car manufacturer " ), )

However rather than the screenshot above after you try and delete it throws an error. FIX ATTEMPT 2

The next solution is to use the following code in the Developer Snippet

1def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): 2 CarPage = apps.get_model("cars", "CarPage") 3 carpages = CarPage.objects.filter(manufacturer=self) 4 if carpages: 5 print("@todo Let the user know that they can't delete!") 6 return 7 else: 8 super().delete(*args, **kwargs)


However I met another brick wall when trying to complete this and that’s in that I can output to a message as there is no request to use in this method. I really feel that there should be a way to resolve this method, so if you have one then please let me know, it'd be very useful for future development. FIX ATTEMPT 3

So I then thought I could use this code in a snippet hook .
Hooks — Wagtail Documentation 2.13.4 documentation

1from django.http import HttpResponse 2 3from wagtail.core import hooks 4 5@hooks.register('before_delete_snippet') 6def before_snippet_delete(request, instances): 7 # "instances" is a QuerySet 8 total = len(instances) 9 10 if request.method == 'POST': 11 # Override the deletion behaviour 12 instances.delete() 13 14 return HttpResponse(f"{total} snippets have been deleted", content_type="text/plain")


That hook works if you go through  'Admin>Snippets>Manufacturer' . However I also have a custom Admin menu items for ' Manufacturer' and if you navigate through that way the hook isn't called.

I think this is a real bug for Snippet Hooks. Even if you’re not using separate Admin menu items then whose not to say it may not be requested in the future.

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