Friday, 25 September 2009

Blank Admin links in Magento

On the website Rock Marine Services Ltd I noticed a couple of problems in the admin area - firstly the link 'CMS/Manage Pages' was blank and 'system/configuration/Catalog' was blank also.

>> take a look at this forum

SSH is really the only way to be doing this work, its much much quicker than ftp. For SSH instructions that will cover all you need for this job see my instructions at
Transfer a website using ssh . It should be in the top five links there.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Receiving the error 'Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: (null)(null)*/lib/Zend/Locale/Data/tr.xml:2104: parser error : out

These seems to be a problem that's effect installation on Heart Interntet shared hosting accounts.
I found the solution for this on this forum thread

you need to open your .htaccess file in your magento folder and add the following

RLimitMEM 1280000000
RLimitCPU 150 200
RLimitNPROC 25 30

Monday, 21 September 2009

Joomla intermittently diplaying broken or blank page in Internet Explorer 8 -

This problem was highly strange as it does not appear in all IE 8 all the time. Infact I had done extensive tests on IE 8 on my home computer and NEVER encountered the problem. However my colleague could see it on his, but intermittently. Here is a list of key phrases that kind of sum up this problem, it gives you an idea of what a bizarre error it was.

* Joomla blank page in ie 8
* joomla blank page in internet explorer 8
* joomla only left menu blank page in ie 8
* joomla only left menu blank page in internet explorer 8
* joomla htmlmap ie 8 problem
* joomla htmlmap internet explorer 8 problem
* Joomla blank page in some ie 8
* Joomla blank page in some internet explorer 8
* joomla sometimes displays blank page in ie 8
* joomla sometimes displays blank page in internet explorer 8
* joomla sometimes displays broken page in ier 8

I had to go around to his to fix the problem as otherwise the 'lag time' would be too much. ie I would have to run a test - then call him to find out the effect!
Once at his place the problem had disappeared, on multiple refreshes the problem re-arose. After turning each module on and off and then multiple refreshing I found the problem coming from this component
'html maps' that can be found here ''
The solution for me here was to move all items that I had in image maps to 'Flexbanner' - where you can just paste all your code in if you wish. Flexbanner can be found at

I hope this item helps others. Yet again another reason to hate internet explorer.

I found this comment on IE 8 that really sums it up for me "I hate internet explorer. It is an absolute nightmare and the newest edition not being fully standards compliant without the need to go diging around in settings is ridiculous.

That said, the average computer user plugs in the address on whatever default browser and settings are included with the PC and complains when it doesn't look right. Whos fault is it? Mine of course. "

Check out the IE 8 Incompatibilty list is you still don't believe how bad IE is! Even microsofts own website is on it!!!!!

Friday, 18 September 2009

Transfer a Magento website using ssh

BEFORE YOU START BACKUP EVERYTHING - for commands on doing that you can check this blog Transferring a Website using SSH

> first of all we need to zip the website

tar -czvf fileName.tar.gz folderName/

Secondly backup your mysql. The easiest way to do this is to use the 'Export' feature in myMysqlAdmin

> next ssh into the website that your transferring to.

>if you need to delete a folder here you can use
rm -r public_html/

> now its time to go and get the zip file


!note - you may need to move this file to somewhere you can see it if it's in a directory deeper that public_html/

> to unzip the file

tar -zxvf fileName.tar.gz

> make a mysql backup
mysqldump -h hostname -u dbUsername -p dbName > db_backup.sql

note! like myself you may prefer to use phpMyAdmin

> set permissions -
either by using ssh. - first of all be in the public_html/ folder

find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

or use this file chmod.php to sort my chmod settings.
You can fin this here ->

> Open the file local.xml under the "/home/username/public_html/magento_dir/app/etc/" directory in your text editor. Locate the and make the necessary changes.
< default_setup >
< connection >
< host >< ![CDATA[localhost]] >< /host >
< username >< ![CDATA[dbUsername]] >< /username >
< password >< ![CDATA[dbPassword]] >< /password >
< dbname >< ![CDATA[dbName]] >< /dbname >
< active >1< /active >
< /connection >
< /default_setup >

> empty the cache under var/cache

Monday, 14 September 2009

Keyword and Key Phrase Ranking Success on Google

This is just a quick blog to brag about some recent success I've been having getting Hillside Glastonbury B&B - Self Catering - Guesthouse listed on google.

If you search for Glasonbury B&B on Google, we come up 2nd - Click here for a Google Search on Glastonbury B&B and make sure you click on the "Hillside Glastonbury" link to see the page we're linking to.

And for the keyphrase Glasonbury Self Catering we come top :). Click here for a Google Search on Glastonbury B&B Again make sure you click on the "Hillside Glastonbury" link to see the page we're linking to.

These are the most important key phrases to us but we also rank highly in many others.

If you want to get your website rank highly on Google or many other websites then please contact us through Little Ripples Website for a prices and a plan to increase your web traffic.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

joomla section ex category view ie8 problem

jommla ie8 table render problem

joomla section ex ie8 render problem.

IE 8 table rendering problem

I have to agree with these comments about IE 8 form this post -

"hate internet explorer. It is an absolute nightmare and the newest edition not being fully standards compliant without the need to go diging around in settings is ridiculous.

That said, the average computer user plugs in the address on whatever default browser and settings are included with the PC and complains when it doesn't look right. Whos fault is it? Mine of course."

It's cost me so much time on jobs aswell. Anyway if you're using section ex and are having this problem also then here's what you need to do.

>> open the file -> \components\com_sectionex\views\category\tmpl\default.php

search for 'colspan="2"'

and DELETE it.

at the time of writing I have not noticed any negative side effect of deleting this, but now tables display in IE 8 displays fine.

I found the solution for this here (which is for a normal cat view, but the fix is the same) ->