Friday, 30 November 2012

Hupso Share buttons shows on posts but not pages in Wordpress

Ok I hunted around the internet a bit for this one.  Here's the searches I made.

how to get Hupso Share Buttons  to show on pages as well

wordpress how to get Hupso Share Buttons  to show on pages

wordpress hupso share buttons for pages and posts

wordpress plugin shows on one template but not another

wordpress plugin shows posts but not page

wordpress plugin works on posts but not pages

However I didn't find anything but managed to hack a quick fix, so here it is. 

I checked the outputted HTML for both my posts and pages.  On comparing I found that posts had this code.

Social Share Toolbar   

So I then opened the page.php from my template  -> wp-content/themes/company/page.php

and pasted the above code where I wanted the plugin to show and hey presto I have it working as I wish.  !!!

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