Thursday, 8 November 2012

Twitter Feed Widget works intermittently .

Twitter Feed Widget works intermittently .

I wondering how this effects the mysql and if theres a way I can make sure the MySQL  doesn't update if a null result.

>  the above doesn't seem possible as there are tweets in the MySQL but they're not being included.

>  on line 571 of wp=twitter-widget.php then you'll see the code

if ( count( $tweets ) == 0 )

which runs the 'No Tweets Available' message.

line 555 .

$tweets = $this->_getTweets( $args );

line 737

    private function _getTweets( $widgetOptions ) {
        $key = 'twp_' . md5( $this->_getFeedUrl( $widgetOptions ) );
        return tlc_transient( $key )
            ->expires_in( 5 ) // cache for 5 minutes
            ->updates_with( array( $this, 'parseFeed' ), array( $widgetOptions ) )

I can't find anywhere that writes to the database - having said I can see the tweets come up in 'wp_options'  listed under '_transient_twp_'

if I do a search for most recent and

FROM `wp_options`
WHERE `option_name` LIKE '%_transient_twp_%'
ORDER BY `option_id` DESC

this will bring back the result I want.

$lasttweetrow = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->wp_options WHERE `option_name` LIKE '%_transient_twp_%'
ORDER BY `option_id` DESC
LIMIT 1");

Which has made the if ( count( $tweets ) == 0 )  code into.

    if ( count( $tweets ) == 0 ) {
    // here I'm going to check the database for any old results
$lasttweetrow = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->wp_options WHERE `option_name` LIKE '%_transient_twp_%'
ORDER BY `option_id` DESC
LIMIT 1");

$options = $lasttweetrow->option_value;  
$options_array = explode(';', $options);
$tweetrow = $options_array[11];      
$tweet_array = explode(':', $tweetrow);
$tweet = $tweet_array[2];


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