Saturday 16 January 2010

Joomla Category Blog View displaying Intro Text only problem

what I'm trying to achieve is to have a blog style page with only intro texts on it. And then if users want to read the whole blog they'd need to click on the read more link. 

Through the settings in the menu item for my blogs page I thought it would be fairly easy by setting these parameters

> Set leading items to 0

> Set the amount of intro text items I want

> Set For each feed item show to introtext

and then make sure these settings aren't overridden in the article.

For some reason I couldn't get this to work.  After finding this post

I came up with this hack to stop my frustration and wasting time







if you are using this component anywhere else you may want to wrap it in a else statement and set a parameter to activate this change.  Because I time contraints I'll add this if I need to !!