Friday, 5 September 2014

Drupal 7 Image resizing module causes image to not display on Internet Explorer IE8

Here are some other searches I made tryign to find the solution to this one.

drupal 7 syze.min.js issue with IE8

drupal 7 ignore js file from head for IE8

drupal 7 change head output

drupal 7 change get rid of js with hook_preprocess_html

Drupal 7 how to remove js file with hook_js_alter

script if not less that ie9

The file here was syze.min.js that was causing the issue to fix I've used hook_js_alter to remove the old link and have readded the link in hook_preprocess_html using the drupal_add_html_head function . 

  1. open /sites/all/themes/custom/YOURTHEME/template.php
  2. Added the function

    * implement hook_js_alter
    * then intention here is to delete the syze.min.js
    * and then I'll readd with the lt IE9 command
    * using drupal_add_js in hook_preprocess_html
    function rcnjobs_js_alter(&$javascript) {
    // Swap out jQuery to use an updated version of the library.
    if (isset($javascript['profiles/commons/themes/commons/commons_origins/scripts/syze.min.js'])) {

3. in function YOURTHEME_preprocess_html ADD
global $base_url;

$syzeJSPath = $base_url.'profiles/commons/themes/commons/commons_origins/scripts/syze.min.js';
$jsnotsafeforIE = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#markup' => '',
drupal_add_html_head($jsnotsafeforIE, 'syzeJS');

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