Monday 9 November 2015

Drupal 7 Changing the tag attributes in an image .

Here I needed to change a tag inside an image. the 'foaf:Image' and replace it with a default tag instead. Here's my code.

function MYTHEME_preprocess_image(&$variables) {

  $image_attributes_array = $variables['attributes']['typeof'];

  if ( in_array('foaf:Image', $image_attributes_array )) {

    foreach ($image_attributes_array as $key => $image_attribute) {

      if ( $image_attribute == 'foaf:Image') {
        // start: find out what filetype the image is and make a tag accordingly
        $image_file_type_array = explode('.', $variables['path']);
        $image_file_type = end($image_file_type_array);
        $tag = 'image/' . $image_file_type;
        // end:
        $variables['attributes']['typeof'][$key] = $tag;

If you're interested in the post you may be intereseted in ' SEO Drupal Best Practice ' 

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