At present we're in the process of creating a script that works out shift details and payments.
Here's what needs to happen.
> find all shifts for a user.
> Calculate each shift total - pay rate x hours = total
> Then add all the shifts together and take off the insurance amount for the week.
In procedural PHP this is how I've seen it done.
$sql = get list off all users.
$sql = all shifts for that user
while = a loop that calculates each shift and puts the total in an array
array_push = we add together all the shift
total = minus the shift amount and they you have it.
So the common sense would say that in a MVC format the solution would be similar. However consider this solution.
on line 39 of components/com_projectfork/models/bacs.php we have this query
$query1 = "
#__time_diff.user_id, #__time_diff.hourly_rate,
#__time_diff.cb_insurancerate as total
FROM #__time_diff ".$filter." GROUP BY #__time_diff.user_id
The trick to this is understanding this question.
The workings are done inside the mySQL call, but how are the shifts added together ?
and the answer is in the usage of
MySQL sum.